At Strigo, connectivity begins with accessibility
Initial Accessibility Plan
Strigo / Terrestar Solutions Inc. is a Canadian company that has extensive experience and a solid track record of delivering value and innovative wireless telecommunication products and services. We strive to allow all Canadians the ability to get connected to the world wherever they may be in Canada. We are fully committed to identifying, removing, and preventing barriers to accessibility, in particular with respect to persons with disabilities.
Strigo Accessibility Plan 2024-2027
As a proud and socially responsible Canadian company, we are fully committed to identifying, removing, and preventing barriers to accessibility, in particular with respect to persons with disabilities. To know more about our commitments to accessibility.

Strigo’s Accessibility Statement
We are committed to ensuring that all Canadians, including persons with disabilities, live in a barrier-free environment. To achieve this objective, we will endeavour to identify, prevent, and remove barriers experienced by persons with disabilities that we interact with. Ultimately, our desire is to have all Canadians connect with one another and to the world without any disability barriers.
In preparing this plan, we have been guided by the important principles set out in the Accessible Canada Act.
- everyone must be treated with dignity regardless of their disabilities
- everyone must have the same opportunity to make for themselves the lives that they are able and wish to have regardless of their disabilities
- everyone must have barrier-free access to full and equal participation in society regardless of their disabilities
- everyone must have meaningful options and be free to make their own choices, with support if they desire, regardless of their disabilities
- policies and services must take into account the disabilities of persons, the different ways that persons interact with their environments and the multiple and intersecting forms of marginalization and discrimination faced by persons
- persons with disabilities must be involved in the development and design of policies, programs, and services which may affect them
Designated Person and Feedback Process
We have designated this person and established this feedback process to receive and deal with any feedback you may have for us about accessibility.
- Vice-President, Business Development
- Mailing address: Terrestar Solutions Inc., 1035 Laurier Ave, Suite 300, Outremont, Quebec H2V 2L1
- Telephone number: 514-843-0679
- E-mail address:
By using this contact information, you can send us at any time
- A request to receive this plan in a different format, namely, print, large print, braille, audio format, electronic form, or other formats compatible with adaptive technology that are intended to assist persons with disabilities.
- A request to receive the description of our accessibility feedback process
- Your feedback on accessibility
You also have the right to provide us with anonymous feedback if you would like.
Key Accessibility Focuses
This plan has been designed to focus our initial actions on several key areas, namely:
- Employment
- The built environment
- Information and communication technologies
- Other Communications
- The procurement of goods, services, and facilities
- The design and delivery of programs and services
- Transportation
We’ll update this plan every three years and provide interim progress reports every year presenting the barriers identified, the way we have addressed or plan to address the identified barriers, provide improvements to the plan, and identify and address newly identified barriers.
By removing barriers to employment, we can offer equal opportunities to all our employees, including persons with disabilities. We are dedicated to fostering a culture that values diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging while also providing a secure and supportive work environment.
The Built Environment
The removal of barriers related to the built environment will allow people who identify with disabilities to use our offices, buildings, and facilities without barriers. We will endeavour to implement plans to improve our offices, buildings, and facilities ensuring they are barrier free and accessible to persons with disabilities. To better understand and remove barriers faced by people with disabilities, we will collaborate with internal members along with external advisors or professionals having the appropriate accessibility knowledge and expertise.
Information and Communication Technologies
One way we can achieve our accessibility goals is to remove barriers with respect to information and communication technologies. To do so, we will include plans to identify and address barriers found in our information and communication technologies, such as on our websites, networks, telecommunication systems, computer systems, and/or other technologies used in our business.
Other Communications
Identifying and addressing barriers in all our communications, not just information and communication technologies, is also important to achieving a barrier-free Canada. We will implement plans to ensure that our commercial documents, advertising materials, and documents related to our products and services meet accessibility needs.
The Procurement of Goods, Services, and Facilities
We are committed to addressing accessibility procurement barriers. As such, we will endeavour to communicate our accessibility needs to our current and future suppliers, so they understand our accessibility objectives and requirements. By working with suppliers and vendors who are aligned with our accessibility objective, we can help remove accessibility barriers experienced by persons with disabilities.
The Design and Delivery of Programs and Services
We want persons with disabilities to have viable options by addressing barriers in the delivery of our programs and services. We strive to ensure that we provide programs and services to all in an equal manner, regardless of a person’s disabilities. To achieve this goal, we will endeavour to make accessibility improvements to our systems, network, programs, and services, to meet accessibility requirements.
We haven’t identified any barriers related to transportation yet, but we’ll monitor and address any newly identified barriers in this area.
To remove accessibility barriers experienced by persons with disabilities, our approach is to consult with persons with disabilities allowing us to properly identify accessibility barriers, prioritize the actions that are central to our Accessibility Plan, determine the manner that we’ll address such identified barriers, and monitor our progress over time.
We may take various consultation measures, such as creating employee focus groups with, including persons with disabilities, seeking advice from internal and/or external advisors experienced in the field of accessibility in Canada, carrying out interviews, in person or virtually, with persons with disabilities to better understand the barriers they experience, carrying out virtual consultation sessions with employees and/or members of the public, including persons with disabilities, and other consultation measures such as conducting surveys and reviewing research data.
Request of Accessibility Plan in Other Formats
You may request that the present Accessibility Plan, along with the description of our feedback process, be made available to you in other formats, namely, large print, braille, audio, electronic, or other formats compatible with adaptive technology that are intended to assist persons with disabilities. We can also deliver the present Accessibility Plan in other formats that we mutually agree on. This request can be made using the feedback process described in this plan. We will provide you with the requested alternate format as soon as possible but no later than 45 days for braille and audio formats and 20 days for all other formats.
By removing the barriers mentioned this plan, we are taking concrete steps and actions to help persons with disabilities to engage with us free from any accessibility barriers. As a proud and socially responsible Canadian company, we strive to contribute to improve the life of Canadians by offering them not only innovative products and services, but also do our part to allow all Canadians to engage with one another free from barriers. To meet our accessibility obligations, we’ll continue to consult persons with disabilities, identify barriers experienced by persons with disabilities, and take measures to address those barriers in a commercially reasonable and responsible manner.